Our know-how.

We are 100% French, from design to manufacturing. This way, we ensure quality of execution and the knowledge transfer to drive innovation.

Made in France.

Design & Manufacturing 100% French

Since 2001, our company has had several addresses, starting with a small office in Nantes, within the Atlanpôle incubator. Today, the group has 3 sites in Haute-Goulaine, France, on the outskirts of Nantes.

By geographically grouping these 3 sites, we control the vast majority of the industrial processes, and all sales & support departments related to our business. From design to distribution, including manufacturing, we guarantee the same level of quality and close collaboration between departments. Grouping all these areas of expertise together allows for an exchange of know-how, quality of execution and perfect control of the product.

Check out our introductory film below to find out more!

Guide de coupe
Finition des plaques
Pôle Fraisage
Salle Blanche
Guide de coupe
Finition des plaques
Pôle Fraisage
Salle Blanche

Key facts !

100 %
673 K
+ 20 %

Discover our corporate video.

Certifications & Environment.

We operate in the medical sector, where companies are governed by international standards and regulations defining the best practices to be followed. Our teams are regularly audited, and the conformity of our products is analyzed, controlled and certified by independent bodies, before they can be placed on the market.

Newclip Technics is proud to be one of the first European companies to receive CE certification for all its products under the new MDR regulation (EU 2017/745), and via the ISO 13485 standard.

In addition to being present on the European market, Newclip Technics distributes its solutions in more than 50 countries around the world, and must therefore meet the regulatory certifications of these different countries, including the FDA (USA), the MHLW (Japan), the ANVISA (Brazil), etc.

Although Newclip Technics’ mission continues to focus on  surgical procedure optimization and patient benefits, environmental preservation  is also at the heart of the company’s concerns. Very early on, Newclip Technics focused on the use of renewable energies and the recycling of its industrial waste to reduce its carbon footprint and is working to ensure that its operations protect the world of tomorrow. Today, these commitments are recognized by:

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Certains produits ne sont pas disponibles sur tous les marchés. Pour vous permettre une navigation optimale merci de renseigner le pays où vous exercez.

Le site délivre des informations destinées uniquement à l’usage des professionnels de la santé. En cliquant sur Oui, vous confirmez que vous êtes professionnel de santé.
Ces informations ont pour intérêt de présenter la gamme de dispositifs médicaux de Newclip Technics. Ces produits doivent être manipulés et/ou implantés par des personnes formées, qualifiées et ayant pris connaissance de la notice d’utilisation. Le chirurgien reste responsable de son propre jugement professionnel et clinique avant toute utilisation de produits spécifiques sur un patient donné.