

Our ankle solutions for elective surgery
and traumatology.

Multiple options for ankle surgery.

With its dedicated and reusable instrumentation, the product range offers a high-quality, varied, and customizable service to effectively treat pathologies. Our latest generation implants can treat simple or more complex fractures (uni- or bimalleolar fractures, diaphyseal fractures of the fibula). They also allow all regulated surgical procedures to be performed (tibiotalar, tibiotalocalcaneal arthrodesis, supramalleolar osteotomies, metatarsophalangeal arthrodesis, etc.).

Our Activmotion S DTO range fits perfectly into our joint preservation philosophy, working to realign the lower limb through distal tibia osteotomies (supramalleolar osteotomies).

Our Initial solutions offer ready-to-use, sterile, single-use kits, helping address hospital logistics issues by simplifying the availability and management of kits, as well as reducing perioperative time.

Newclip Technics offers a range of technological solutions for elective and trauma ankle surgery by working as closely as possible with medical professions. Right from the design stage, we are committed to meeting the needs of the patient while facilitating the surgical procedure and making it more reliable. With fully comprehensive ranges and a worldwide presence, Newclip Technics has become a key player in ankle surgery in just a few years.

activmotion S DTO

ActivMotion S DTO

Activmotion S DTO is a complete range of anatomical plates designed for anatomical alignment corrections of the distal tibia and fibula, via opening, closing, and derotational osteotomies.

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Activ Fuse

The implants in the Activ Fuse range are designed for ankle bone reconstruction in adults, including the fixation of fractures and arthrodesis of the ankle, distal tibia, talus, and calcaneus.

Several plates are available for performing tibiotalar (TT) or tibiotalocalcaneal (TTC) ankle arthrodesis during primary or reconstructive surgery.

Activ Ankle

Activ Ankle

Activ Ankle is the solution for treating trauma to the internal and external malleolus as well as for diaphyseal fractures of the fibula.

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Activ Screw

Activ Screw is a range of Ø6.5 mm compressive head screws, including an intuitive kit for insertion.

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Activ Screw

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Ces informations ont pour intérêt de présenter la gamme de dispositifs médicaux de Newclip Technics. Ces produits doivent être manipulés et/ou implantés par des personnes formées, qualifiées et ayant pris connaissance de la notice d’utilisation. Le chirurgien reste responsable de son propre jugement professionnel et clinique avant toute utilisation de produits spécifiques sur un patient donné.