Newclip Technics - Innovation and development at the core of our osteosynthesis solutions.

Our Mission.

To offer innovative osteosynthesis solutions, optimize surgical procedures in orthopedics and enhance the well-being of patients.

Quick access.

Newclip Technics is a French company based near Nantes, in the West of France. We design, manufacture and market ranges of osteosynthesis instruments and implants for surgeons in hospitals and clinics around the world.

Since the creation of the group, the values of innovation, team spirit, agility and commitment have always been at the heart of our DNA..

Learn more about our company

Our osteosynthesis solutions.

Upper Limb

Our solutions for the clavicle, shoulder, elbow, wrist, and hand.

View our product range

Lower Limb

Our solutions for the hip and knee.

View our product range

Foot & Ankle

Our solutions for the ankle and the forefoot/midfoot/hindfoot.

View our product range

Key figures !

100 %
673 K
+ 20 %

We regularly offer training courses to surgeons from all over the world, to familiarize themselves with our products and to exchange with renowned experts on different surgical approaches and techniques. These trainings take place throughout the year, including theoretical sessions and practical workshops in anatomy lab.

A global presence.

Thanks to our 7 subsidiaries and our extensive network of distributors, our products are currently distributed in more than 50 countries around the world.


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Newclip Technics France

NEWCLIP TECHNICS 45 rue des Garottières
44115 Haute Goulaine
+33 (0)2 28 21 37 12 (Open Monday to Friday
9:00 AM–12:30 PM; 2:00 PM–5:30 PM)
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