
Our solutions for surgery on the forefoot, midfoot and rearfoot.

Multiple options for foot surgery.

With its dedicated and reusable instrumentation, the product range offers a high-quality, varied, and customizable service to effectively treat pathologies. Our product offer comprehensively covers all surgical indications, from the simplest to the most complex (metatarsal-phalangeal arthrodesis, treatment of hallux valgus, Lapidus,
Chopart, Lisfranc, talonavicular, Evans, Cotton, Malerba, subtalar arthrodesis, etc., surgery for hollow feet, flat feet, etc.).

To address hospital logistics and product availability issues, there are Initial solutions, single-use kits, on some of the plates making up the Footmotion Plating System range.

Newclip Technics offers a range of technological solutions for regulated and trauma surgery of the forefoot, midfoot and rearfoot, working as closely as possible with medical professions. In the design stage, we are committed to meeting the needs of the patient while facilitating the surgical procedure and making it more reliable. With fully comprehensive ranges and a worldwide presence, Newclip Technics has become a key player in foot surgery in just a few years.



Preservation was specifically designed for the restoration of the medial column and distal arch following their collapse.

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Newclip Technics has developed the Calcanheal range to address the challenges associated with osteosynthesis of calcaneal fractures. It includes 2 types of plates to cover different needs.

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Footmotion Large Screw

Footmotion Large Screw

The Footmotion Large Screws range offers a complete range of self-compressive cannulated screws in several diameters for a solution adapted to the constraints of the forefoot, midfoot and rearfoot.

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The Footmotion range offers several types of stand-alone screws specially designed for treating moderate to severe hallux valgus and its complications. It offers different approach options to meet various surgical needs.

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Footmotion Screws
Footmotion Plating System

Footmotion Plating System

The Footmotion Plating System range includes a wide range of implants suitable for forefoot, midfoot and rearfoot surgery, offering solutions to meet each surgeon’s preferences.

It is one of Newclip Technics’ most comprehensive product lines, providing major support to foot surgery specialists and facilitating highly precise procedures.

The plates in the range have all been specifically designed to meet the needs of each joint and a wide range of indications.

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Ces informations ont pour intérêt de présenter la gamme de dispositifs médicaux de Newclip Technics. Ces produits doivent être manipulés et/ou implantés par des personnes formées, qualifiées et ayant pris connaissance de la notice d’utilisation. Le chirurgien reste responsable de son propre jugement professionnel et clinique avant toute utilisation de produits spécifiques sur un patient donné.