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Our solutions for the clavicle
and proximal humerus.

Shoulder surgical procedures and techniques.

Our product range is designed to cover and treat a wide variety of fractures, ensuring adapted and innovative solutions for each clinical situation. We meet trauma needs with one of the most extensive ranges on the market, particularly for cases such as clavicle and proximal humerus fractures.

A unique and innovative hybrid instrument enables the Latarjet procedure to be performed either through open surgery or arthroscopically (HyLa).

An Initial solution offering ready-to-use single-use sterile kits, which helps to address hospital logistics issues by simplifying the availability and management of kits.

All these products can be combined with custom cutting guides (ONE Solution).


Alians Clavicle S

The Alians Clavicle S range offers a range of latest-generation anatomical plates to treat simple and complex clavicle fractures.

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Alians Proximal Humerus

The Alians Proximal Humerus range offers a range of latest-generation anatomical plates, specially designed to stabilize humeral head fractures.

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Our INITIAL shoulder solution.

Initial C

Newclip Technics has created Initial C, combining the implants from the Alians Clavicle S range with its expertise in the sterile single-use kits. This solution can be used to treat both simple and complex clavicle fractures, thus providing a response to the various types of fractures presented.

Explore our kit

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Ces informations ont pour intérêt de présenter la gamme de dispositifs médicaux de Newclip Technics. Ces produits doivent être manipulés et/ou implantés par des personnes formées, qualifiées et ayant pris connaissance de la notice d’utilisation. Le chirurgien reste responsable de son propre jugement professionnel et clinique avant toute utilisation de produits spécifiques sur un patient donné.