Xpert Wrist

Your solutions for wrist surgery.

The implants in the Xpert Wrist range are designed for the fixation of fractures, osteotomies and arthrodesis of the hand and forearm in adults.

Wrist fractures are among the most common fractures of the upper limb. In recent years, the principles of treatment of these fractures have been widely questioned and require an anatomical reduction followed by rehabilitation and early mobilization, with very little immobilization. Orthopedic treatment has therefore evolved towards a specific surgical treatment adapted to the type of fracture, the patient’s anatomy and respect for the surrounding tissues. Consequently, osteosynthesis by locked anatomical plate became a standard, particularly when treating the most complex fractures, in order to obtain a stable anatomical reduction and prevent joint incongruence responsible for post-traumatic osteoarthritis.

The Xpert Wrist range was designed according to these principles by offering a complete range of anatomical implants for the treatment of fractures and intra- or extra-articular malunions of the wrist. It integrates screw, peg, cannulated screw and locked pin locking technologies as well as a wide variety of instruments, in order to ensure reduction control and support the surgical procedure.

Case study: Complex fracture of the lower extremity of the radius on osteoporotic bone: interest of polyaxial aiming with the Xpert Wrist XS plate.

Case study: Over 6-weeks old comminuted & intra-articular distal radius fracture: interest of a combined approach with a xpert 2.4 plate and the spanning plate

Case study: Distal radius fracture: MIPO osteosynthesis by anterior radius platin

Optimize the management of wrist fractures and their complications.


A complete range of volar plates with 3 head widths (narrow, standard, wide) has been developed to allow for suitable screw positioning along the subchondral bone and thus improve the stability of the reduction:

  • Preformed plates for an anatomical fit
  • Refined profile and rounded edges limiting contact with tendons
  • Polyaxial or monoaxial locking technology and locked oblong hole
  • Minimally invasive surgery (MIS) instruments available for XS and size 1 plates (standard and narrow). Window to better view the fracture line or insertion of bone substitute
  • Various pin holes to locate the joint space or temporarily fix small fragments (comminution of the posterior cortex) in the context of comminuted fractures
  • Sizes XS, 1, 2 and 4 are available in a sterile single-use version: Initial R Xpert.

Sizes XS, 1, 2 and 4 are available in a sterile single-use version: Initial R Xpert.


Size 3 Volar plates (narrow, standard, wide) are unique in their design, featuring two pre-oriented, locked monoaxial holes designed to reach the tip of the radial styloid:

  • Preformed plates for an anatomical fit
  • Refined profile and rounded edges limiting contact with tendons
  • Polyaxial or monoaxial locking technology and locked oblong hole
  • 2 pre-oriented locked monoaxial holes targeting the radial styloid
  • Window to better view the fracture line or insertion of the bone substitute
  • Various pin holes to locate the joint space or temporarily fix small fragments (comminution of the posterior cortex) in the context of comminuted fractures

The plates are also available in a sterile, single-use version: Initial R Xpert.


A complete range of volar rim plates with 3 head widths (narrow, standard, wide) has also been developed specifically for extra-distal fractures:

  • Preformed plates for an anatomical fit
  • Polyaxial or monoaxial locking technology and locked oblong hole
  • Lateral lip facilitating positioning of the implant along the watershed line
  • Window to better view the fracture line or insertion of the bone substitute
  • Various pin holes to locate the joint space or temporarily fix small fragments (comminution of the posterior cortex) in the context of comminuted fractures

Volar rim plates are available in a sterile, single-use version: Initial R Xpert.


A complete range of specific implants has been designed to treat distal radius fractures, fragment by fragment:

  • Dorsomedial plates (3 extra-narrow head sizes and 1 standard head size)
  • Distal plates of the radial column (3 sizes)
  • Dorso-lateral plates (1 size)
  • Latero-dorsal plates of the radial column (3 sizes)
  • Radial volar plates (1 narrow head size and 1 standard head size)

The plates are also available in a sterile, single-use version: Initial R Xpert.


The distal ulna plates are available in 2 sizes and provide antero-lateral positioning using a front bracket:

  • Preformed plates for an anatomical fit
  • Polyaxial locking technologies
  • Locked oblong hole
  • The plates are also available in a sterile, single-use version: Initial R Xpert.

To complete our range and provide a comprehensive solution to treating complex fractures, we offer hook plates:

  • Anterior hook plates (1 symmetrical size and 1 right and left size):
    • An anterior hook plate can be assembled with a volar radial plate
  • Posterior hook plates (1 symmetrical size)

The plates are also available in a sterile, single-use version: Initial R Xpert.


The volar osteotomy plate has been specially designed to correct ulnar variance, a key factor in wrist biomechanics:

  • Available in size 2
  • Anatomical implant
  • 2 locked oblong holes allowing the positioning of the plate to be adjusted with a locking or non-locking screw
  • Compatible with PSI

Devices specific to this plate:

  • Distraction clamp to adjust the ulnar variance
  • Drill guide for the distraction clamp
  • The plate and the osteotomy devices are not in the Xpert Wrist kit, they must be ordered separately.

The key features of the Xpert Wrist 2.4 range.

  • A 360° solution designed to meet all AO classification fractures
  • Anatomical design based on bone surface modeling
  • Polyaxial locking technology and locked oblong hole
  • 1 single screw diameter (2.4 mm)
  • K-lock pin locking system in the plate to stabilize small fragments
  • Arthroscopically-controlled reduction device for the reduction of fractures and joint malunions
  • Plates and instrumentation for minimally invasive surgery
  • Correction instrumentation

Our INITIAL solution for the wrist.

ONE is the patient-specific correction guide developed to support you in both 2D and 3D surgical planning, as well as for performing osteotomies. The production of our patient-specific cutting guides is the result of close collaboration between surgeons and Newclip Technics, to best meet surgical needs and support the surgeon in each procedure. These solutions are developed based on clinical imaging data, to optimize the anatomical congruence between the material and the bone tissue.

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